Oh- and there’s also a band that most of them are in. Did I forget to mention that?
Just finishing up some bits for a new music video coming up! Now Lucy has her drum kit! YAY!!!
J Matthew Root – VLOG #003
Here we are with vlog number three!
I’m trying to do these in smaller chunks now so I can get them out to you sooner so the MODit system release and Piano Abstracts will be in separate vlogs coming soon!
This is the Surreal Orange story.
Of course its not the whole story. Its spoiler free and really just a quick introduction to the concepts, structure and feel of the show, but it should give you a good idea of what I’m thinking. Light-hearted and more of a comedy but with some darker stuff mixed in. Its got adventure elements but it’ll be all over the place. I’ll be exploring not only with the characters and story but also with the treatments and style of the show and I’m sure it’ll get very expressionistic, no doubt.
Let me know what you think! Thanks!